Pepsi Invaders

Pepsi Invaders (also known as Coke Wins) is a video game for the Atari 2600 platform, based on the popular Space Invaders. It was commissioned by Coca-Cola for their 1983 sales convention, and developed by Atari as a modification of the original Space Invaders cartridge (essentially, an official ROM hack).
The game is a modification of Space Invaders, with each row consisting of the letters P E P S I followed by an alien, instead of the original six aliens. In addition, the game was changed from having limited lives but unlimited time as in the original Space Invaders, to having unlimited lives but a three-minute time limit in which to shoot as many of the enemies and complete as many levels as possible and the color of the floor was changed to the color of the soda Coca-Cola .
The game was packaged in a black cartridge without a label, and only released at the 1983 sales convention, where it was given (along with an Atari 2600 console) to the 125 sales executives attending. As a result of the very limited production, it is now highly sought after by collectors, with copies selling on eBay for $1,825.00 in 2005 and $2,125.00 in 2010, and is worth $2,000.00 according to the rarity guide.
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the Pepsi Invaders online emulator to see how to control the Pepsi Invaders game