
Baseball is a video game made by Nintendo in 1983 for the Nintendo Family Computer, making it one of the first games released for the Famicom. It was later one of the NES's 18 launch titles when it was released in 1985 in the United States. As in real baseball, the object of the game is to score the most runs. Up to two players are supported.
Each player can select from one of six teams. The game's team names are intended to represent members of the Japanese Central League in the Famicom version and members of Major League Baseball (MLB) for the American version.
As in real baseball, the object of the game is to score the most runs. The game supports one player versus a computer opponent, or two players. Each player can select from one of six teams. Although there is no difference between them other than uniform color, the teams are meant to represent the six members of the Japanese Central League. For the American version, the letters of the teams were renamed to more closely resemble several of the Major League Baseball teams:
A: Oakland AthleticsC: St. Louis CardinalsD: Los Angeles DodgersP: Philadelphia PhilliesR: Kansas City RoyalsY: New York Yankees
The title screen tune of this NES title was also used as the title screen tune of some of Nintendo's NES Sports titles such as Pro Wrestling. A slightly altered version of it was used at the title screen of the NES title, Volleyball, also by Nintendo. The home run tune was later used as the victory tune in both Punch-Out!! and Super Punch-Out!! arcade games.
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the Baseball online emulator to see how to control the Baseball game