LEO - Žhavá čísla

Leo - Žhavá čísla (Hot numbers) is a simple puzzle game with numbers assigned to adult category. It was created by the developer group Vladimir Peniska Corporation and published by Petr Vochozka in cooperation with a well-known erotic magazine LEO from which he bought a license and photos. This is a game for 1-2 players, where a chessboard containing 7x7 boxes with numbers from -12 to +12 must one in the horizontal and the other in the vertical direction collect the highest sum. Clicking on the number box will reveal part of the background on each level forming a digitized erotic photo of a Leo girl. Overall the game contains 12 levels...
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the LEO - Žhavá čísla online emulator to see how to control the LEO - Žhavá čísla game