
SimuSex 1.0 is a simplistic 'sex simulator' for DOS made by Erosoft. Apart from selecting a position and waving your mouse back and forth while watching the animated naked girls, there's not really much of content or depth in the 'game'.
The few novelties of SimuSex are fluid animation, the fact that it was one of the first virtual girl-programs with more than still graphics and text descriptions, and that it was extremely widespread in many BBS'es in the 90's.
A copy of SimuSex 2.0 is promised when registering the game. The developers promise MPEG1 SVGA quality digitalized video on software, interactive 3D models with toys, digitized sound effects, sort of a 'mood' AI for the girls and a range of other ahead of their time -features. Unfortunately(?) the 2.0 version never realized into a real product, and the rather unknown company faded into oblivion after the release of this product.
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the SimuSex online emulator to see how to control the SimuSex game