115 in 1

The 115-in-1 is a multicart made by Supervision in the early 90s. This is a rather large multicart, being 2Mb in size and containing 97 games. Real game names are mentioned in brackets. Games 99-115 are omitted from this list. While 98 games are listed, there are actually 97 because game 73 is a repeat.
Islander (Takeshi Meijin no Boukenjima, Japanese version of Adventure Island)Grading (Gradius, title is missing)Maze Song (Meikyuu Kumikyoku, Japanese version of Milon's Secret Castle)634 Sword (Musashi no Ken)New Type (Shin Jinrui - The New Type, title is missing)FlipullQuarthTetris (BPS version)Tetris II (Tengen version)Star SoldierGoonies (Title is missing on the title screen)Legendry (The Legend of Kage)ArkanoidThunder Bike (Seicross)Mario 2 (Super Mario Bros. with hacked graphics, missing title and level select)SoccerTwinbeeB Wings1942Spartan (Spartan X, Japanese version of Kung Fu)ASCII (Penguin-Kun Wars)Ninja 2 (Ninja Jajamaru-Kun, title is missing)Ninja 3 (Ninja Hattori-Kun)MagmaxGyrodineWrecking CrewElevator (Elevator Action)XeviousFlappyCity ConnectionMach RiderBomb Man (Bomber Man)Front LineMacross (Choujikuu Yousai Macross)Execite Bike (Excitebike)F1 RaceRoad FighterZippy RaceStar ForceExerionGalaxianGalagaPacmanBattle CityKung Fu (Yie Ar Kung-Fu)KaratekaNinja 1 (Ninja-Kun: Majou no Bouken)Pipeline (Mario Bros., says Mr Mary on the title screen)King Kong 1 (Donkey Kong)King Kong 2 (Donkey Kong Jr.)King Kong 3 (Donkey Kong 3, says Gorilla 3 on the title screen)MappyPopeyeIce Climber (Title is missing on the title screen)Wrestle (Kinnikuman: Muscle Tag Match)Nuts and MilkSky DestroyerFormation ZPooyanCircus (Circus Charlie, says Circus Troupe on the title screen)Devil WorldUrban Champ (Urban Champion)Clu Clu LandChackn PopDin Dun (Dig Dug)Combat (Field Combat)Helicopter (Raid on Bungeling Bay)Ninja Fight (Ikki)Arabian (Super Arabian)Antarctic AdventureSpace Frog (Warpman)E.T (Space Invaders, says both Super ET and Space Invaders on the title screen)X Man (Repeat of The New Type)Sports I (Hyper Sports)Olympic (Hyper Olympic)MillipedeDoor DoorSoccer 2 (10-Yard Fight)Burger TimeJ Chess (Hon Shougi - Naitou 9 Dan Shougi Hiden)Othello5Pcs Chess (Gomoku Narabe Renju)Digger 1 (Lode Runner)Digger 2 (Championship Lode Runner, says Lode Runner on the title screen)Mahjong 2 (Mahjong)Mahjong 4 (4 Nin uchi Mahjong)Math (Donkey Kong Jr. Math)LunarballGolfBaseballTennisBalloon (Balloon Fight)PinballWild GunmanGotcha (Gotcha! The Sport!)Hogans AlleyDuck HuntSpider and Penquin (Binary Land)
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the 115 in 1 online emulator to see how to control the 115 in 1 game