7 in 1 (Mario)

Mario 7 in 1 is an unlicensed pirated multicartridge made in China in the late 1990s. It contained 7 modified versions of games from the eighties with Super Mario as the main hero. Games were selected from a one-page menu. The game console had to be reset to return to the menu. The cartridge contained these 7 games:
Mario 3 (a hack of Super Mario Bros. 3; Japanese version)Mario 5 (a hack of Super Mario Bros. 2; PAL version)Mario Missing (Mario Is Missing!)Mario 10 (a hack of Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu)Mario 11 (a hack of Adventure Island 3; Japanese version)Mario 14 (a hack of Kid Niki 3)Mario 7 (a hack of The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy)
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the 7 in 1 (Mario) online emulator to see how to control the 7 in 1 (Mario) game