Door Door

Door Door
Game title:
Door Door
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
Chunsoft, Enix
Action, Puzzle, Platform
Koichi Nakamura
25,051 times
Play Door Door online in your browser without download and enjoy with RetroMania Online Emulator! Door Door is classic game for NES has Action, Puzzle, Platform genres for Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) retro console. If you love NES Online games you can also find other emulator games on our site.

Door Door is a Japanese-developed puzzle-platformer video game designed by Koichi Nakamura and published by Enix. As Enix's debut title, Door Door first released in February 1983 for the NEC PC-8801 and was subsequently converted for other Japanese computers. The game's success prompted a Famicom port and an expanded edition in 1985 as well as a mobile phone release in 2004. In 2006, editors of the popular Japanese gaming magazine Famitsu placed the game among classics such as Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong in its listing of the best Famicom games; despite its popularity, Door Door has never been released outside of Japan.

Door Door's blend of puzzle and platform game elements requires strategy, anticipation, and dexterity. Players control Chun, a small, spherical animal outfitted with a baseball cap. Chun is relentlessly pursued by a quartet of game AI aliens traveling in unique deterministic algorithm paths. The most predictable aliens Namegon and Amechan follow Chun in the most direct path possible, Invekun deviates and follows roundabout paths using ladders, and Otapyon shadows Chun's jumps.

The player's objective is to trap the aliens behind sliding doors positioned throughout each level, courses composed of platforms conjoined by assorted ladders. To trap the aliens, players approach the door from the side its handle is on, open it by running across it, lure the advancing villains inside, and shut the door before they escape. Trapped doors cannot be opened again. Chun can jump to avoid the aliens, whose touch spells death. Bombs and nails, which sometimes appear on the screen, are also lethal. When the player dies (provided he has continues) he restarts the level with previously trapped aliens vanished, and all doors are accessible again.

How to play:

Click on the joystick icon in the Door Door online emulator to see how to control the Door Door game

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