Super Boy III

The third entry in Zemina's unlicensed conversions of early Super Mario Bros. games differs from its predecessors by having its own levels. While the two first games imported levels of their correspondent Mario counterparts, Super Boy III does not copy the stages of Super Mario Bros 3.. Instead, it utilizes elements from previous Mario games as well as Super Mario World, from where some enemies and level design ingredients are borrowed.
Unlike those two games, however, Super Boy III has completely linear levels that must be traversed in a particular order. There are no special levels such as castles, no familiar bonuses, and no power-ups besides those that were introduced in the first Mario game. Mario also walks and runs significantly slower than in Nintendo games. At the end of each stage Mario has to defeat a Hammer Brother.
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the Super Boy III online emulator to see how to control the Super Boy III game