
Guzzler is a maze video game developed and manufactured by Tehkan and licensed to Centuri for US distribution in 1983. It was released as an arcade conversion kit, including a new marquee and control panel, then ported to the SG-1000 console. In Guzzler, the player controls a creature who can drink (or guzzle) water from puddles, then extinguish fires and monsters spawned from those fires.
Each level is a maze of varying openness. Colorful fire. that must be extinguished to complete the level, also spawn fire-themed monsters which pursue the player. The main character can attack with three blasts of liquid before becoming empty. With each blast of liquid, the character moves faster and gets closer to being an empty outline with pink shoes. When empty the character is a shell of a sprite, but moves faster. Liquid is replenished by drinking from puddles. Occasionally, an alcoholic beverage appears in the center of the screen. Picking it up causes the character to refill and the fires temporarily freeze.
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the Guzzler online emulator to see how to control the Guzzler game