SNES Games

Super Adventure Island

Secret of Mana

Speedy Gonzales in Los Gatos Bandidos

Disney’s Goof Troop

Spider-Man: The Animated Series

Dragon Warrior III (Dragon Quest III)

Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures

Final Fantasy V

The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse

Best of the Best Championship Karate

Jurassic Park

Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra

Breath of Fire

NBA Live 95

Lamborghini: American Challenge

Scooby-Doo Mystery


Demon’s Crest


Fatal Fury

Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage

Lord of the Rings - Volume One

The Mask


Super R.B.I. Baseball

Q*Bert 3

Virtual Bart

Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Super Bomberman 5

Super Bomberman 4

Choplifter III: Rescue Survive

True Lies

Illusion of Gaia

Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

Fighter’s History

Young Merlin

Operation Thunderbolt

Winter Olympics: Lillehammer ’94

Total Carnage

F1 Pole Position

ActRaiser 2

The Terminator


Saturday Night Slam Masters

Ninja Gaiden Trilogy

Secret of Evermore

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast

Road Runner’s Death Valley Rally

The Legend of the Mystical Ninja

Tintin in Tibet

Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls

Jimmy Connors Pro Tennis Tour

Dragon Quest I & II

Harvest Moon


World Heroes