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The King Of Fighters Portable '94-'98 - Chapter Of Orochi

The King of Fighters Portable '94-'98 - Chapter of Orochi is an exciting compilation game for the Playstation Portable. It includes four classic KOF titles - KOF '94, KOF '95, KOF '96 and KOF '97: Chapter of Orochi, enabling players to experience a variety of classic KOF gaming modes and styles.
The gameplay follows the classic King of Fighters format, with players choosing a team of three characters and battling against other teams in an intense 2D fighting format. The game also offers a wide range of characters and customization options, enabling players to create their own unique teams and strategies.
The graphics are crisp and clean, and the sound design is excellent, with a range of tracks from the original games. The controls are responsive and easy to use, making it a great game for newcomers as well as veterans of the series.
Overall, The King of Fighters Portable '94-'98 - Chapter of Orochi is a great addition to any PSP gaming library. It provides a wide range of classic KOF action, as well as ample customization options, making it a great pick for any fan of the series.