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WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2010 Featuring ECW

WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2010 Featuring ECW is an exciting and fun game for the Playstation Portable. The game has the perfect combination of sports, action, and drama that has come to be expected from the WWE franchise.
The gameplay is fast-paced and intense, with players able to choose their favorite wrestlers and grapple in multiple matches. The controls are intuitive and allow for plenty of combos and signature moves to be pulled off with ease. The graphics are also impressive for a portable game and the music and sound effects make the experience even more dynamic.
The only downside of the game is the limited roster of wrestlers compared to its console counterparts. But this shouldn't be a deal-breaker since the matches are still fun and intense.
Overall, WWE SmackDown Vs. RAW 2010 Featuring ECW is an excellent game for the Playstation Portable and a must-have for any wrestling fan. Highly recommended.