Platform Games
Spider-Man: The Animated Series


Ninja Gaiden

Mickey Mousecapade


Mountain King

Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures

World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

MagicLand Dizzy

The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse

Blaster Master

Mappy Land

Castlevania 64

Commander Keen 7: The Keys of Krodacia

Bonanza Bros.

Super Pitfall

Shadow of the Ninja

Super Robin Hood

Wizards & Warriors

Splatterhouse 2

Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back

Circus Atari

Commander Keen 8: Dead in the Desert

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse

Super Arabian

Duke Nukem: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City


Secret Agent


Bionic Commando

Flashback: The Quest for Identity


Mickey Mouse

Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the World

Shadow Knights

Bio Menace - Episode 1: Dr. Mangle’s Lab

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Manhattan Missions

Commander Keen 3: Keen Must Die!

The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy

Demon’s Crest


The New Zealand Story

The Lost Vikings


Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap

The Tower of Druaga

The Terminator

Land of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse

Wacky Races

Super Boy I

Commander Keen 3.5: Keen Dreams

Pac Kong (Inca Gold)


Bobby is Going Home

Lode Runner: The Legend Returns


Castlevania: The Adventure