58 in 1

The 58-in-1 is a multicart made by Super Technos. in the early 90s. This is a rather large multicart, being 1 Mb in size and containing 57 different games (Galaxian is repeated two times). Real game names are mentioned in brackets.
Islander (Takeshi Meijin no Boukenjima, Japanese version of Adventure Island)Grading (Gradius, title is missing)Star SoldierThe Goonies (Title is missing on the title screen)Legendry (The Legend of Kage)Tetris (Tengen version)Bros. II (Super Mario Bros. with hacked graphics, missing title and level select)TwinBeeNinja 2 (Ninja Jajamaru-Kun, title is missing)City ConnectionB Wings1942Spartan (Spartan X, Japanese version of Kung Fu Master)Super ArabianAntarctic (Antarctic Adventure)Lunar BallBomber Man (Bomberman)Front LineMacross (Choujikuu Yousai Macross)1989Galaxian (Galaxian)Star ForceKung Fu (Yie Ar Kung-Fu)Ninja 1 (Ninja-Kun: Majou no Bouken)Pipeline (Mario Bros., says Mr Mary on the title screen)Mahjong 2 (Mahjong)Mahjong 4 (4 Nin uchi Mahjong)Lode Runner1 (Lode Runner)Lode Runner2 (Championship Lode Runner)King Kong 1 (Donkey Kong)King Kong 2 (Donkey Kong Jr.)King Kong 3 (Donkey Kong 3, says Gorilla 3 on the title screen)MappyExecite Bike (Excitebike)F1 RaceRoad FighterPinballBase Ball (Baseball)PopeyeGalagaGalaxianPac-manIce Climber (Title is missing on the title screen)1989Exerion (Exerion)Wrestle (Kinnikuman: Muscle Tag Match)Battle CityGolfChess (Gomoku Narabe Renju)PooyanFormation ZBalloon FightCircus Troupe (Circus Charlie, says Circus Troupe on the title screen)Sky DestroyerNuts and MilkKaratekaFancy Bros. (Hack of Super Mario Bros.)StarSoldier 2 (Hack of Star Soldier)Super Pac-man (Hack of Pac-Man)Super Tank (Hack of Battle City)
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the 58 in 1 online emulator to see how to control the 58 in 1 game