Action 52

Action 52 is an unlicensed multicart video game compilation developed by Active Enterprises for the Nintendo Entertainment System. The cartridge consists of 52 games in a variety of genres, mostly scrolling shooters and platformers, including The Cheetahmen, Active's attempt at creating a franchise similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Action 52 became notorious among gamers for the poor quality and functionality of its games, and is often considered to be one of the worst games of all time. The games are selected from one of three menus and the games included are:
Fire BreathersStar-EvilIlluminatorG-Force FightersOoozeSilver SwordCritical BypassJupiter ScopeAlfredo and the Fettucinni'sOperation Full-MoonDam BustersThrustersHaunted Hills of WentworthChill-OutSharksMegaloniaThe French BakerAtmos-QuakeMeongSpace DreamsStreemerzSpread-FireBubblegum RosieMicro-MikeUndergroundRocket JockeyNon-HumanCry BabySlashersCrazy ShuffleFuzz PowerShooting GalleryLollipopsThe Evil EmpireSombrero'sStorm Over the DesertMash-ManThey Came From Outer SpaceLaser LeagueBilly-BobCity of DoomBits and PiecesBeeps and BlipsManchester BeatBossDedantHambo's AdventuresTime Warp TickersJigsawNinja AssaultRobbie and the RobotsThe Cheetahmen (The Action Gamemaster)
How to play:
Click on the joystick icon in the Action 52 online emulator to see how to control the Action 52 game